School Fundraising
Encourage your school community to get involved and raise funds. Students will be able to support other students to attend school with the correct uniforms, books and supplies.
Some fundraising ideas include:
Join our walkathon in August
Bake or craft sale
Dress up day in First Nations colours
Purchase a Christmas Pack and sell our ornaments in your community
Art show
Incorporate fundraising into a subject or house activities
Lolly jar count
Sausage sizzle
Challenge students to create their own fundraising ideas!
Get in touch to fundraise today!

Catholic Ladies College holding a First Nations Footy Day

St Brigidine St Ives held a film night

St Peter Julian Eymard Primary School made bracelets in First Nations colours and sold them

Sacred Heart Primary School wore First Nations colours and mapped a timeline of First Nations history
Fundraising Impact
Together We Walk Events

Join our 3rd Annual Together We Walk Together events on the 2nd of August 2024!
Raise funds by coming up with your own fundraising activity or walk-a-thon. Your school community can empower First Nations students through education.

Parish and Community Fundraising

Your parish, comunity group, or organisation can help us to raise funds today! If you would like to fundraise for Opening The Doors Foundation get in touch today.
1. Is my donation tax deductible?
Only individual donations made directly to OTDF above $2 are tax deductible. If you are raising funds as a group e.g school and funds were raised via an activity e.g event, raffle etc, this is not tax-deductible.
2. Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Individuals donating directly to OTDF will receive a receipt. Group fundraising is not tax-deductible and a receipt will not be issued. You can request a non- tax deductible receipt from OTDF if you require it.
3. Can I create a campaign to raise funds for OTDF?
Yes, this is a fantastic idea! Please contact us first so that we are aware.
As directed by the laws of fundraising, all fundraising activities should be approved and authorised by the nominated charity prior to raising funds. To ensure that the proposed fundraiser meets all the legal and ethical requirements we encourage you to contact us.
Please note that OTDF reserves the right to refuse fundraising activities that are not aligned with our values or goals.
4. Can I use the OTDF logo for my fundraising event and promote it on social media?
Yes, you can contact us here to receive the official logo that can be used to promote the event. OTDF can also provide other resources such as project information, newsletters and photographs to help your fundraising initiatives. Contact us to register your fundraiser and receive OTDF resources.
We encourage you to promote your events on different social platforms, however, we advise you to do so in a manner that is respectful and compliments our values. Our team would always be available to assist you in your efforts and will provide all help possible to make your event memorable.
Please note any events using our logo or any other social media posts must be approved by our team prior to use.
5. Can I raise funds for a particular cause?
Yes, we can allocate your funds to a particular educational item e.g. school shoes, year level or geographical location. We would love to hear from you if you can raise funds for an area of support that you are passionate about, however we do encourage you to make a ‘general’ donation that can be allocated to any project. This helps us respond ‘where the need is greatest’ and help more people. Get in touch today to learn more about general donation funds.
To allocate your funds to a particular cause get in touch with us before you make the donation
6. How do I set up an ongoing partnership with OTDF to fundraise continually?
Get in contact! We would love to hear from you about your ideas and what we can do to support such a partnership
7. How do I know that my donations have reached?
Please note that any donations received online via individuals through Give Now will be processed immediately with an automated receipt issued in minutes. For all funds raised through general group fundraising, a tax-deductible receipt is not issued as these funds are not deductible. If you need a non-tax receipt, please let us know and we can issue this receipt to you.