Impact Stories From Our Familes

Sherry's Story
"As I sit in my lounge room I reflect on the past 20 years of the ‘Opening The Doors Foundation’. My heart skips a beat; the incredible gifts my family has received and continues to receive still boggles my mind.
Back in 2003, when I applied for ‘Opening The Doors Foundation’ funding for my children, we had just moved suburbs, so new school uniforms were needed for all....

Starr's Story
"Starr's attendance and attitude about her education has greatly improved in 2020. So much so, she was awarded the "Baw Baw Shire Award" for contributing to school life, participating in activities, receiving successful results and exhibiting responsible citizenship skills. Starr has improved in all areas, working hard on her physical and mental health and aiming to achieve the best she can in her education. Starr's award has been her huge achievement.

Shakira's Story

Michael's Story
"During 2020 I have seen a huge improvement on Michael's confidence levels. He has worked hard to improve on his reading and writing.
This year we were able to use the grant money to purchase a Chromebook to be used for homework. It came in perfect timing as covid hit and homeschooling began...."
"The school started a school choir last year and Shakira put her hand up to be in it as soon as she heard about it. The choir performed at church and at the end of year Christmas carols, and she loved being in it..."

Kallahni's Story
"Kalahnii progressed well during 2020 despite online learning. She did struggle with not having the social aspect of classes though. Kalahnii was able to have every opportunity her peers had being that she felt equal because she had full uniform and was “cool” like her best friend.
I’m so grateful for being awarded this grant as it allows my children to feel equal at such a brilliant school that I could not afford to send them to without support from Opening The Doors. The fees are very expensive and this grant allows me to focus on getting some of that payed off as it has built up over the years. The school is very understanding of my situation."
Kalahnii progressed well during 2020 despite online learning. She did struggle with not having the social aspect of classes though. Kalahnii was able to have every opportunity her peers had being that she felt equal because she had full uniform and was “cool” like her best friend.
Kiara's Story
“2020 was a challenging year due to the global pandemic and Melbourne experiencing more than 7 months in lockdown. Kiara has spent the majority of the year learning remotely from home. She has not been able to enjoy the extra curricular activities such as camps, tours, music and sport. Despite this disappointment Kiara has continued to focus on her studies and produce excellent academic results.

Jyah's Story

"2020 was a challenging year for Dakora as we moved and she changed schools. Dakora had to make new friends and learn about her new school environment as well as develop new attachments to her teachers. She was very sad most days as she was getting dropped off- missing her old house, old friends, and teachers. Eventually, she made some great friends and now feels a lot more settled, however COVID put a spin on things and she had to stop and start school a few times due to the closures which impacted her sense of belonging and attachments to friends and teachers..."
Dakora's Story
Anakin's Story

"Anakin received encouragement awards for Woodwork & Graphics last year.
This year he has already participated in School Athletics and came first in Long Jump and Triple Jump and second in Javelin.
His school has an education program that I believe is best for Anakin and encourages him every step of the way to continue with his studying, rather than finishing school early."

Levi's Story
Levi's reading skills have developed dramatically during semester 2. He has learnt to develop friendships with children he has not met before and has become far more confident and social than he was at the start of 2020. During the COVID 19 changes to schooling, Levi learnt to cope with change and has become far more flexible in life situations. Levi attended onsite remote schooling during the COVID 19 lockdown period while his parents continued to work. His social skills and confidence developed immensely during this period. The Foundation grant contributed to Levi's experience as it enabled Levi to continue accessing private education during these times of financial stress.

"Jyah became aware of the struggles faced with COVID 19 and started a fitness challenge to raise awareness. Deniliquin got behind his and his story was in the paper- ...OTDF is a big help and very much appreciated from myself being a single mum it still gives us the opportunity for my son to get a good education. "

Joel's Story
Joel is doing really well in this school, and has made lasting friendships. He's enjoying sports, athletics and science, and still sees his friends from primary school. He says he's happy at this school and feels he has had a good year, loved doing the athletics training. I want to thank you for your assistance in the past few years, as it has made a big difference to my children's lives

Tom's Story

Kalahnii was able to have every opportunity her peers had being that she felt equal because she had full uniform and “cool shoes like Elsie” her best friend. I’m so grateful for being awarded this grant as it allows my children to feel equal at such a brilliant school that I could not afford to send them to without support from Opening the Doors. The fees are very expensive and this grant allows me to focus on getting some of that paid off as it has built up over the years. The school is very understanding of my situation. ............................

"Caitlyn is perfect example of how assisting aboriginal kids to be educated pays it forward to improvement of Society as a whole and especially next generation . Caitlyn is currently studying at Swinburne Uni studying Bachelor of Psych & Criminology with focus on Social inequality for indigenous community legally."
Hannah's Story
Caitlyn's Story
"Josie has done so well in 2020. She struggled previously at another school before we moved back. Her literacy and numeracy have come along really well, and the school have placed a strong blanket of support for her. Josie has really bloomed this year and it really is thanks to the school and the foundations grant that allows her to be apart of such a supportive community. No real difficulties have come about. She will need more support into the new year with Reading and writing but I am confident that the school is supporting her and me with this. The grants truly are wonderful and I very appreciative of the support it provides to my children."
"Hannah made school sports captain which she was thrilled with, all be unable to exercise that position thanks to good old COVID. She managed to successfully graduate primary school on a happy note, and begin her transition into first year of secondary school. We are eternally greatful for these grants. Thanks to them, our children are able to participate in a variety of extra curricula activities that they thoroughly enjoy and need both mentally and physically. So thank you in advance to the OTDF."
"Alinta has been doing well up until the COVID disturbance when it became difficult to maintain her balance with so much access to reliance on screen time. Despite this (and with some extra support math tutoring - supplied by school ) she passed all of her classes. She made some lovely new friends, enjoyed the school camp and even stepped up to do Acknowledgement of Country to whole school at beginning of Mass!! We've found the school to be a wonderful supportive community that we feel grateful - with your help - to be a part of. I find it to be a brilliant most empowering and assisting program that has made a very real solid positive difference to my daughters whole life experience and opportunities. I am most grateful."

Alinta's Story

Josie's Story

"Tom has had a fair year at school. Dealing with being home, no sport ( Football) and being a Type 1 Diabetic was not the best result for him. He was regularly not feeling the best due to a number of issues. The Foundation allowed Tom to purchase his books and pursue his love for Indigenous Art, which he currently painting regularly. Tom has learned to cope with the Covid issues and is tracking for an improved year this year. The grant is excellent and allows us to give our children a better opportunity to strive and achieve results and feel comfortable doing it. Thank you."