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Your Legacy


Thank you for considering a gift in your Will to OTDF. We consider your gift in Will to be so much more than a financial donation. It is a statement of commitment and care for  humanity that will make a lasting impact on the lives of First Nations children and families.


By making a gift in your Will to OTDF you are leaving an enduring legacy that will enable us to grow and respond to the changing needs of First Nations Australia into the future.


How to leave a gift in your Will 


STEP 1 – Write or update your Will  

If you already have a Will but would now like to leave a gift to the Opening The Doors Foundation,  you can do so by making a simple addition to your existing Will. This is called a Codicil. 


If you do not have a Will, you can include a gift when you do decide to write one. 

Whatever your circumstances, we would advise you see a solicitor to ensure your wishes can be fulfilled. 



STEP 2 – Decide your gift 

There are several ways you can leave a gift in your Will to OTDF, depending on your circumstances. 

  • Residuary – a percentage of what remains of an estate after costs have been covered and specific gifts (including provision for family and loved ones) have been disbursed. This is the most effective way to leave a bequest to OTDF. 

  • Pecuniary – a gift of a fixed cash amount

  • Specific asset – real estate, shares, bonds or other items of value 


Residuary and percentage gifts are considered the most beneficial forms of a gift in Will for OTDF as they hold their value over time and are therefore most likely to have the greatest impact. In contrast, a fixed cash amount means the value of your bequest could be significantly reduced by inflation between the time you write your Will and the time it is realised.  


STEP 3 – Suggested wording for your Will  

Here is our suggested wording to use when writing or updating your Will: 


“I give, free of all duties or taxes, [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue] of my estate (‘the bequest’) to the Opening The Doors Foundation (ABN  20 671 392 558) (or its successor). It is my preference that the bequest be used for general purposes. The receipt of this bequest by any authorised officer of Opening the Doors Foundation shall form valid discharge to my executor.”


You may also like to add the following wording to ensure your charitable giving intent is honoured – 

“If at the date of my death any of the above charities have changed their name, merged with another entity or ceased to exist then their bequest will not fail but shall be paid to that charitable organisation which my executor considers I most intend to benefit”



STEP 4 – Notify loved ones and the Opening The Doors Foundation

We believe it is important to talk to family and loved ones about your Will. Communication will ensure your final wishes are respected and carried out. Let your family know that leaving a gift to OTDF is important to you and advise any executors and guardians of your wishes. 


We also suggest that you let us know once you have left a gift in your Will to OTDF. Knowing when someone has chosen to support us in this way helps us to plan more confidently for the future. More importantly, we would love to thank you personally for your generous support and welcome you into our wonderful community of donors.   


Get in Touch

We would be delighted to discuss your interest in leaving a gift in Will in person. Please be assured that any conversations you have with us are confidential and non-binding.  


Thanks for submitting!​​



Opening The Doors Foundation is is an approved organisation under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient.



The office of the Opening the Doors Foundation is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung People of the Kulin Nations. Opening the Doors Foundation acknowledges the traditional owners of ancestral lands across Australia. Respecting Elders past and present and local Aboriginal Custodians.

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Opening The Doors Foundation
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this website may contain images of deceased persons.

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