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Dakora's Story

"2020 was a challenging year for Dakora as we moved and she changed schools. Dakora had to make new friends and learn about her new school environment as well as develop new attachments to her teachers. She was very sad most days as she was getting dropped off- missing her old house, old friends, and teachers. Eventually, she made some great friends and now feels a lot more settled, however COVID put a spin on things and she had to stop and start school a few times due to the closures which impacted her sense of belonging and attachments to friends and teachers. 


Dakora never had to worry about the burden of not having enough clean and organised uniforms thanks to the Foundation grant (as I had to deal with this as a child). This certainly was a factor that created a sense of ease during such a turbulent year for her given COVID and the change of schools and moving towns. Dakora was lucky enough to have an Aboriginal teacher for her grade (Grade 2) and is feeling more connected to her culture as well.


Dakora is due to go into grade 3 next year in which she will be separated from the 1 good friend she has made and we are in the process of trying to negotiate they stay together given the hectic and problematic year 2020 has been. We are pleased to report that the teachers and principal are just so caring and understanding and we are sure that no matter what Dakora will be supported." 

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